S E L F    P O R T R A I T


On August 9th, 2021, opened the group exhibition Self-Portrait: self-reflections by young artists from Brera Academy. The event is organized by Brera Academy of Fine Arts, in collaboration with the municipality of Massa Marittima (Grosseto, Italy), and will end in October, 2021 (extended to November, 2021). On show, 39 original artworks (paintings, drawings, engravings, mixed media) of students and ex students from Brera Academy, among which Valentina Diena who participated with Golden Dummy, as a result of a project dedicated to the subject of the self-portrait, starting from the study of the well-known Leonardo da Vinci self-portrait. The young artists have been coordinated by their professors, Paola Salvi and Omar Galliani. The results are also characterized by interesting considerations about the artistic self through the pandemic period.


Self-Portrait exhibition


Valentina Diena, Golden Dummy


2019 and 2020 have been the hundredth anniversaries of the death of two great artists, Leonardo da Vinci and Raffaello Sanzio. The iconic images of both are their self-portraits (Leonardo’s one is stored in the Biblioteca Reale in Turin, while Raffaello’s in the Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence). A group of worthy young artists started a study from these historical models to contemporary era, and gave life to original artworks with a remarkable attention to drawing and engraving. Eventually, the recent experience with pandemic SARS-CoV-2 and the resulting lockdowns led to times of self-analysis, giving new elements and food for thought on the artistic self.        

The location, San Pietro all’Orto in Massa Marittima, is a museum of regional relevance, keeping masterpieces of thirteenth and fourteenth century art, among which the Maestà of Ambrogio Lorenzetti and the sculptures of Giovanni Pisano from the facade of the San Cerbone Cathedral.


Self-portrait exhibition, opening day



  © Developed by Valentina Diena